Few axSpA patients infected with COVID-19 – Survey shows

Despite concerns of possible risk factors, very few patients with axial spondyloarthritis have been infected with the coronavirus so far.

This is very good news. It looks like the axSpA-patients have been protecting themselves, adhering to the advice of the health authorities and taking the risk of infection seriously,” ASIF-president Zhivko Yankov says.

By Trine Dahl-Johansen

COVID-19 has caused global disruptions in the management of chronic illnesses like axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). The extent to which patients with axSpA have been affected by the coronavirus needed to be established, and Axial Spondyloarthritis International Federation (ASIF), The Spondylitis Association of America and survey company Any-3, developed the international COVID-19 axSpA-survey, which opened in April.

The preliminary results show some of the effects of the pandemic for this patient group and are based on answers through the questionnaire for the period of 3rd April to 31st October 2020. There are 4900 patients across 72 countries who have answered the patient survey. 93 % have completed all the questions.

The good news

Easy interventions like keeping distance, isolating from other people, washing hands, using antibacterial liquid and face masks etc. in public are essential to avoid infections like the coronavirus. Only 4 % of the total survey population report they have had the coronavirus. This is good news, but many of the respondents have not been tested to confirm it and are self-diagnosed. A lot of the symptoms of COVID-19 are very similar to those of an ordinary cold or flu, like fever, fatigue, sore throat and continuous cough. Therefore, it is almost impossible to know for sure if you have Covid-19 without being tested.

Despite the low COVID-19 testing, the low numbers in coronavirus patients amongst the axSpA-group is probably due to many taking the risk of viral infection seriously and doing what they can to protect themselves from such an infection. As chronically ill, many axSpA patients are used to taking illness seriously and making changes when life presents challenges. The ability to adapt to fluctuations in the disease throughout life probably leads to people coping with such a pandemic situation better than many feared.

It is still amazing that so few with rheumatic diseases are infected with COVID-19 during this period,” Zhivko says.

Adapting to the situation

Many might also easily adapt to the rules of isolation and less social activity because they already are limited due to their health challenges in everyday life. For example, those who live with a lot of pain, fatigue and impaired mobility are accustomed to pacing their activities, and many already have a limited level of activity and social life. For many people with axSpA activity regulation is important, so they are able to accomplish the most necessary things.

Our members are used to accepting periods where you cannot do everything you want. Many have probably adapted well to the pandemic restrictions and have good skills when it comes to taking care of their own health,” Zhivko elaborates.

Response to the global coronavirus pandemic has resulted in major changes to how people go about their daily lives. A study presented at ACR 2020 shows that individuals with axSpA with higher levels of stress and anxiety, had significantly higher disease activity levels. [1]

Good recovery status

The low frequency of testing for the coronavirus is a well-known situation internationally, due to variable test capacity worldwide, which leads to a very different situations for each country represented.

Although patient-reported outcomes have limitations, especially regarding the accuracy of self-diagnosis of COVID-19, the current results from the survey may add to more knowledge on potential risk factors and the course of this coronavirus infection in axSpA-patients.

Several international data show there are very few patients with rheumatic diseases who have contracted the virus, and few have been hospitalized or died because of infection. This is the same trend as the axSpA-survey.

Now it is crucial to get more responders to answer the axSpA-survey, especially those who have been tested for COVID-19, regardless of whether they have a positive or negative test result. It will provide the survey with better data and higher credibility.

I encourage all ASIF-member organizations to invite more people to respond to the survey,” Zhivko says.

The following link allows new participants to self-register: https://covid19-axspa.any-survey.com/go/

Similar risk factors

The risk factors for people with autoimmune diseases are the same as for the general population. Those who also have cardiovascular disease and get infected with the coronavirus often have a tougher course, and are at higher risk of death, but they are not at a higher risk of getting infected overall compared to the normal population, according to The COVID-19 Rheumatology Alliance. [2]

This is supported by more studies released during the digital EULAR-congress in June.

The study shows that most patients with rheumatological conditions recover from COVID-19, independent of the medication they receive,” professor Dr. John Isaacs, Chair of the EULAR Scientific Committee stated in a press release. [3]

Some concerns

The preliminary results of the axSpA-survey also enhance some worries regarding some patients discontinuing their medications during these months, often without consulting their rheumatologist. Amongst the patients with more severe disease measured by BASDAI the percentage of those discontinuing their medications also increases. The data show that amongst those who measured between 6 and 10 on the BASDAI-scale from 1 to 10, 19-28 % had changed their medication in fear of COVID-19. This is a big concern because this might lead to flare-ups that requires a doctor’s appointment in a health system already overloaded.

In total 17 % of the 4900 respondents report they have changed their medications due to the concern of COVID-19. In the age groups 20-29, 30-39 and 40-49 more than 20 % have done this. Type of spondyloarthritis diagnosis does not seem to influence this decision. Neither do other diagnoses believed to affect the coronavirus, like high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, heart disease and heart failure, systemic lupus or cancer.

The answers about changing medication reflect the huge worry many with axSpA faced when the pandemic was a fact in the beginning of 2020 and when there was little information about immunosuppressive medications and the risk of contracting the new virus. Both rheumatologists and patients were in doubt of what to do regarding medications, and this continued for several months.

An American based survey, answered by rheumatologists, was presented at the ACR Convergence congress in November 2020. A third of the respondents indicated that at least 10 % of their patients had self-discontinued or reduced at least one immunosuppressive medication to mitigate their risk of COVID-19. [4]

In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients with RA, PsA, AS, and SLE frequently avoided office visits and laboratory testing. (…) Participants often stopped medications without the advice of a physician, and medication interruptions were more common in participants without access to telehealth”, another ACR-abstract reveals. [5]

Knowledge is key

Even some rheumatologists were uncertain if patients should sustain their treatment because there were no recommendations due to the brand-new virus.

There is considerable uncertainty about the drug management in the context of rheumatic conditions,” EULAR-president professor Dr. Iain B. McInnes explained in a press release in June.

According to another poster session at ACR a national American sample of rheumatologists answered a survey in the period of April to August this year. It revealed there are still variations regarding perceptions of patients’ risk of COVID-19, and how to manage medications such as NSAIDs, biologics and steroids during the pandemic. [6]

After many months and several studies, it is now well established there is currently no evidence to suggest that there are grounds for stopping or slowing down ongoing immunosuppressive therapy, i.e., treatment that suppresses the immune system, including disease-modifying medications (DMARDs) such as methotrexate and TNF-inhibitors. [7] [8]

In hindsight studies show that both the HLA-B27 gene and the use of some biological medications (bDMARD) might in fact be protecting axSpA-patients from contracting the virus and lead to a less difficult course of the disease for those who do become infected. The majority of patients do not require hospitalization, even if they use immunosuppressive drugs.

It is reasonable that patients with inflammatory diseases treated with b/tsDMARD (biologic, targeted disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs) continue their treatment during the COVID-19 epidemic. The different rates of hospitalization based on the diagnosis or DMARD may be due to comorbidity, confounding by indication and other bias,” one ACR-abstract concludes. [9]

If you do get infected with COVID-19, standard procedures for other types of infections apply. You should discontinue or postpone the medication until you recover from COVID-19, consistent with guidelines on the management of patients with active infections on biologic therapy. [10]

The SAA’s initial findings from the survey data can be found on the SAA Website


[1] https://acrabstracts.org/abstract/disease-activity-in-an-axial-spondyloarthritis-cohort-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/

[2] https://rheum-covid.org/epidemiology-and-outcomes-of-novel-coronavirus-2019-in-patients-with-immune-mediated-inflammatory-diseases/

[3] https://www.eular.org/sysModules/obxContent/files/www.eular.2015/1_42291DEB-50E5-49AE-5726D0FAAA83A7D4/eular_press_release_covid_registry_final.pdf

[4]  https://acrabstracts.org/abstract/geographical-variations-in-covid-19-perceptions-and-patient-management-a-national-survey-of-rheumatologists/

[5] https://acrabstracts.org/abstract/concerns-and-behaviors-of-patients-with-common-autoimmune-rheumatic-diseases-in-the-united-states-early-in-the-covid-19-pandemic/

[6] https://acrabstracts.org/abstract/geographical-variations-in-covid-19-perceptions-and-patient-management-a-national-survey-of-rheumatologists/

[7]  https://diakonhjemmetsykehus.no/nyheter/korona-informasjon-til-pasienter-med-inflammatorisk-revmatisk-sykdom#er-det-spesielle-forholdsregler-hvis-du-far-infusjonspreparater

[8]  https://spondylitis.org/research-new/covid-19-and-spondyloarthritis-your-questions-answered/

[9] https://acrabstracts.org/abstract/use-of-biologic-treatment-and-risk-to-be-admitted-for-covid-19-infection/

[10] https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(18)33001-9/fulltext

IMAS is expanding – News Update

The International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS), a patient experience survey, continues to be a hugely important project for everyone involved in the axSpA community.

The project has produced a wealth of information, which is being used globally to raise awareness, support our advocacy efforts and, ultimately improve the lives of people living with axSpA. The IMAS team have been working hard on disseminating information on the issues identified through the data. They have so far produced a variety of reports and papers on issues ranging from psychological distress; the impact on work and social life; how people manage their disease and, of course, why it takes so long to diagnose axSpA.

Whilst the project was running in Europe (EMAS), 2840 patients from 13 countries completed the survey. We eagerly await the full report of EMAS, which is due to be published early next year.


As well as the European countries, the survey has also now closed in Canada, Taiwan and South Korea – with responses from a further 800 patients.


And IMAS continues to grow! The survey is currently open in Turkey and four Latin American countries; Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Costa Rica. We are working hard to maximise the number of people who complete the survey in these countries; and are looking to make sure as many axSpA patients as possible know about IMAS.


On top of these countries, IMAS is expanding further into six new countries; USA, Philippines, India, South Africa, Algeria and Lithuania – ensuring that this is truly an international project that delivers robust global data to everyone involved in the fight against axSpA.


Patients in these six new countries will be invited to complete the survey from early 2021. IMAS will also be relaunched early next year in the UK, where the aim is to significantly improve on the number of respondents from the first round of the survey.

Alongside the survey itself, the IMAS team continue to work hard on disseminating information gained from the data. Early in 2021, we will invite all the Patient Organisations involved in IMAS to a meeting to discuss how we can best use the data to support their work and what work we can do that will be of most value to ASIF’s members. With this in mind, we are already beginning some IMAS sub-projects; one is to identify the most powerful public affairs messages, so that we can support our members with information and statistics to lobby and approach policymakers. Another project will bring to life some of the IMAS data through patient videos; we will ask patients to talk about their personal experiences of axSpA, viewed through a particular lens – such as how the disease has affected their career or how they coped with their diagnosis.

For more information on IMAS, you can visit the IMAS page on the ASIF website or you can contact Jo Lowe, ASIF Project Manager.

Delay to Diagnosis Project – News Update



ASIF’s Delay to Diagnosis project focusses on the unacceptable delay in receiving a diagnosis that most patients with axSpA must endure. Through the project, we aim to better understand why the delay to diagnosis occurs; how this affects patients, their families and friends and healthcare systems. Crucially, we must decide collectively what ASIF can do raise awareness and to support our members globally in tackling this burden that axSpA patients face.


The project, which launched early in summer this year, has achieved a lot in a short space of time. Most notably, we hosted two international Global Forum events in the autumn, which were a huge success, and we are very pleased to have received positive feedback from everyone involved. The events brought together patients, researchers, rheumatologists, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals to discuss the delay to diagnosis around the world. We were delighted to have participants from Argentina to Australia – and many countries in between! In total, we welcomed 48 delegates from 23 countries across five continents. We thank, in particular our Asian and Australian representatives who had to stay up very late!


Dr Dale Webb, CEO of NASS (the UK patient group) gave a presentation on the existing research evidence and what it tells us about the delay to diagnosis. Included in this is data from the IMAS project, evidence collected directly from patients about living with axSpA. We held break-out discussions during which we collectively explored the reasons that the delay to diagnosis occurs – almost without exception – around the world. In understanding the reasons for the delay, we can start to identify ways to tackle it. We heard time and again from patients of the suffering they had endured in waiting for their diagnosis. But, we also heard about some positive steps taken in certain parts of the world where small projects or schemes had led to some success in reducing the delay.

Dr Dale Webb presents at the ASIF axSpA Global Forum event on 13 October 2020

We will launch dedicated webpages on the ASIF website very soon, where you can read in more detail about the project and keep up to date with developments. There you will also find resources on the delay to diagnosis, including links to the existing research, videos and infographics that can be tailored to your requirements.


During this initial phase of the project, we have also asked our member organisations to tell us more about the delay to diagnosis in their country and have collated and reviewed the existing research. We are now producing our final report from this stage of the Delay to Diagnosis project; this will be the definitive report on the impact of axSpA globally. We will highlight – most importantly – the burden on patients who wait too long for their diagnosis. This burden statement will be launched in spring of 2021 and we will use the knowledge gathered during this phase of the project to agree what work is most needed in the next phases of the Delay to Diagnosis project.


Stemming from ideas and discussions at the Global Forums and from existing research, we will explore ideas on how to take forward the project. We could look at how to support our members with better messaging to policymakers; we might develop a toolkit that can be tailored by countries to international or regional campaigns; we could help by making videos about the disease symptoms to raise awareness in the general public and alert people to the possibility that they have axSpA.


We will consider a range of ideas and explore how we build a project or programme of work around them. Most importantly, we will consult with our members to find out what would be most useful and how they can get involved in the ongoing project. For now, ASIF would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that has been involved so far and we look forward to continuing this essential work. Together, we can – and must – create a better experience for axSpA patients. 


We have heard throughout the Global Forums how many barriers we face in reducing the delay to diagnosis. Here at ASIF, we understand that this project should develop and grow to support our members in tackling these obstacles. We thank you again for your participation and look forward to working with you to achieve our goal.

ASIF/SAA axSpA and COVID-19 Survey

You can take part in critical research on COVID-19 in Axial Spondyloarthritis! We need as many people to take part as possible.

There are too many uncertainties around what effect, if any, having axial spondyloarthritis may have on the pandemic currently encircling us.  Too many uncertainties around the possible impact of medications.

We need to act now; we need to act fast to find concrete answers for our community and we need your help to build a COVID-19 in Axial Spondyloarthritis Registry.

We need your help to track how COVID-19 is impacting our community, and learn more about any possible impact axial Spondyloarthritis, and medications used for spondyloarthritis, may have on COVID-19. Please, take some time now (10-15 minutes) and be a part of this important research.

The Spondylitis Association of America (SAA) in partnership with the Axial Spondyloarthritis International Federation (ASIF) are pleased to invite you to participate in a COVID19 in Axial Spondyloarthritis survey.  SAA has worked closely with members of their Medical and Scientific Advisory Board and is spearheading research into the possible impact axial spondyloarthritis, and medications used for axial spondyloarthritis, may have on COVID-19. 

We have made a good start, but we need more responses, the more responses we have, the better the data. 

  • This is the only survey which is specifically researching axSpA. 
  • This survey also invites household members to take part to create a control group – so important for data to be scientifically analysed.

Please help us to invite your members to take part in this critical study.

From experience, we know that the way to encourage the best response rate, is to create a unique link to send to each member.  If you would like to use that method.  Please contact Valeria on admin@asif.info and she will let you know what to do next.

If you would prefer, you can simply circulate the link and/or QR code below to your members by email and via social media. 

To take part click here or point your phone camera at this QR code:

Example Social Media posts (more can be found here):


Make your voice heard in the ONLY survey studying the effects of COVID-19 specifically on the #spondylitis community. Close to 4,000 people have already contributed, and we want to hear from you, too! It only takes 10-15 minutes, and your input will help researchers find critical answers for our community. Begin the survey here: PS: You do NOT have to have contracted COVID-19 to take part.


Make your voice heard in the ONLY survey studying effects of #COVID19 on the SpA community. Close to 4,000 people have contributed. We want to hear from you! You DON’T have to have COVID-19 to take part. Your input is vital! https://tinyurl.com/spasu

Some details:

Who is eligible to take part?

  • We are currently looking for those with a diagnosis of spondyloarthritis made by a physician (those with ankylosing spondylitis, non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis with inflammatory bowel disease, peripheral spondyloarthritis, undifferentiated spondyloarthritis, reactive arthritis, or juvenile spondyloarthritis.)
  • You can also refer your household members (to act as a control group for the survey.)
  • This survey is open to people throughout the world, and we urge everyone who is eligible to take part.

What is my time commitment should I decide to take part?

  • The initial time commitment is an estimated 10-15 minutes for the current survey. Four weeks after you complete this first survey, you will be asked to complete a follow up survey. We will continue to ask for your permission to contact you again every four weeks, for the next six months. You can, of course, opt out at any time.

Who are the professionals guiding this research?

  • This survey has been developed and is being managed by a dream team of passionate and committed investigators, including patients and renowned researchers, such as Dr. James Rosenbaum, Dr. John Reveille, Dr. Kevin Winthrop, and Dr. Michael Weisman. All are experts in the area of rheumatology or infectious diseases.
  • We extend our deep thanks to any-3 Ltd for providing their technical expertise and support, and addressing with great care and professionalism our needs, and those of our community.

Covid-19 News and advice from around the world

In order to help everybody, members and researchers have created detailed pages on their websites as a support during these extreme times. We hope they can contribute to ease the pressure by becoming a powerful tool helping to spread knowledge. Here below you will find links to specific pages.

NASS the National Axial Spondyloarthrithis Society in England presents: a low, medium and high risk assessment to give another tool.

Medicines and Biologic therapies with: highlights on Glucocorticoids, Conventional DMARDs, Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Biologic therapies in relation to covid-19 .

For Mental Health support see the section on how to manage

Rheumatologist and spondyloarthritis expert  Dr. John Reveille, Chief of Rheumatology focuses on if having Axial Spondyloarthritis put you at greater risk for Covid-19 ?

For more detailed aspects in terms of conduct, prevention, safety, state of research as per CDC and mind-body relaxation techniques see the question and answers section


In light of the ongoing situation around COVID-19, EULAR has taken the following actions:

The policy statement and the video are for use by EULAR Member organisations at their discretion.

EULAR Guidance for patients about COVID-19
How to use the guidance video:

  • Video and text available here a guidance for patients
  • The video is hosted on the EULAR YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/RcI8S0qeqVY
  • Text for translation: See pdf and word documents attached
  • The text can be translated in either written format to accompany the video, or placed in the video directly
  • The written format can be placed with the video on a website page, or produced in a Word or pdf document for circulation together with the website link
  • Please do not use the EULAR logo on your webpage or in any documentation you produce around the translation
  • Please refer to EULAR in writing only, using the following sentence: ‘Translated from the original version in English produced by the European League Against Rheumatism, EULAR, March 2020’
  • If the video is required in original format to embed the subtitles, please contact communications@eular.org
  • Disclaimer: The disclaimer is embedded in the video and does not need to be translated
  • If you have further questions, please contact communications@eular.org

SHARE Video available on EULAR social media channels:

The EULAR Guidance for patients about COVID-19 is an official EULAR product and may only be used in line with the guidelines set out above.

EULAR Policy statement and specific questions around COVID-19

If your organisation requires further information regarding topics mentioned in the policy statement, please contact publicaffairs@eular.org

Novartis believe it is vital to provide enhanced funding to help patient communities globally impacted by the outbreak to provide vital services to patients. Novartis will prioritize funding requests addressing immediate needs of patients stemming from the pandemic. As examples, we will consider proposals for programs that:

  • Provide information on COVID-19 or related topics.
  • Enable patients to access their HCP online or virtually, to ensure continuity of care and disease monitoring, remotely.
  • Deliver support to manage incremental demand of calls related to COVID-19 and disease management (call centers enhancement).
  • Facilitate digital approaches for patients and caregivers support and education as well as program that strengthen the community’s digital capabilities to reach patients.

If resources are needed for Covid-19 related programs such as those above, please reach out to your local Novartis patient advocacy contact who will manage – if you need help to find out who that is, please contact Jo Davies on office@asif.info

If you wish to find more information about how Novartis is working during this time, please visit Novartis

Boehringer Ingelheim said more information about their clinical trials is available as well as an update about their contribution to fighting COVID-19 They are also providing under publicly available information which has been developed by Patient Organisations, Scientific Societies, governmental and non-governmental organisations in different countries about the virus which you or your community might find helpful.

The UCB contact to use for any questions or concerns patients from your community may have, is provided through the UCB Cares service GlobalMI-Content@ucb.com

Covid-19 Global Registry

A Message from the Global Rheumatology Alliance:

Our mission is to create a secure, de-identified, international case reporting registry and curate and disseminate the outputs from that registry.”

This registry will facilitate our primary goals, which are to:

  • Understand the outcomes of patients with rheumatologic conditions who develop COVID–19 infection and the influence of their comorbidities and medications on their outcomes.
  • Understand the influence of rheumatologic medications, such as hydroxychloroquine, on the outcomes of patients who develop COVID–19 infection.

We are interested in all cases, from asymptomatic to severely affected.

We aim to be able to provide information back to doctors, patients, and researchers about how rheumatic disease patients and those treated with rheumatology drugs fare when they get infected. Data collected will potentially provide valuable information going forward to help make decisions about how to direct further studies and treat our patients.

There is a physician-entered data registry, now prominently displayed on the home page of the website at https://rheum-covid.org.

To maximize the registry’s use and impact, we are asking that organizations share the registry with their members via as many methods as possible, such as:

  • Adding The COVID–19 Global Rheumatology Alliance to their websites.
  • Emailing their members.
  • Advertising the registry in their publications.
  • Sharing information via their social media. platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Please tag us with our Twitter name @rheum_covid, and consider using the Twitter hashtag #Covid4Rheum.

To further simplify this process, we have attached a few images designed for easy social media sharing and you should feel free to use these freely.

Thank you again for your support,
The COVID–19 Global Rheumatology Alliance team

(If you would like to be added to the Global Rheumatology Alliance mailing list for future updates, please follow this link and they will get you added.)


Online exercise videos for AxSpA/AS and other arthritis patients

That exercise is important for people with AxSpA/AS and other rheumatic diseases is repeatedly confirmed in scientific studies. However, various studies have shown that many sufferers are unable to take part in a group therapy course due to time constraints and geographical reasons. The Ankylosing Spondylitis Association of Switzerland (SVMB) has now launched the Rheumafit platform in collaboration with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Rheumafit is ideal for use at home but can also be used in a group setting.

Rheumafit is now available in English as well as French and German!

Various exercise programmes suitable for people with Axial Spondyloarthritis and other rheumatic illnesses can be found online at www.rheumafit.ch.

Each exercise comes with a video illustration and written on-screen instructions, plus important hints for training at home. Each exercise program indicates its purpose, the duration (most are under 20 minutes), the intensity, the targeted body parts as well as alternatives or variations to the main exercise. 

Filters allow you to select the duration and intensity of your exercise programme as well as on which part of the body you want to concentrate. Rheumafit can automatically suggest those exercise programs that best fit your profile. The programs can be accessed from any device connected to the Internet, be it a smartphone, a tablet, laptop or an Internet-capable television set (Smart TV). More than 20 exercise programmes are available. You can register for Rheumafit for free at www.rheumafit.ch/signup.

Rheumafit’s exercise programs were developed in close cooperation with Prof. Karin Niedermann, head of the masters’ program in physiotherapy at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and consulting physiotherapist at the Ankylosing Spondylitis Association of Switzerland (SVMB). She encourages those living with AxSpA/AS to train with the help of online videos: “Rheumafit is an excellent support tool for individual training. It enables the patient to train for strength, endurance, mobility and coordination two to three times a week. This also corresponds to international movement recommendations, which are effective, safe and feasible for people suffering from rheumatism. If pain occurs during the exercises, you should talk to your physiotherapist to find a suitable selection of exercises.”

Welcome to new member Walk As One

The Trustees approved an application from Walk As One to join ASIF at their meeting in September 2019.

Their President and founding member, Ricky White, was diagnosed with AS in 2010.

Walk AS One was created in 2015 after the continued success of the social media campaign Walk Your AS Off. Walk As One is a global community that raises awareness by encouraging exercise and team activities.

Welcome to Walk AS One, we look forward to working with you.