
World AS Day 2023

This year’s theme is movement!

World AS Day is only two months away. If you missed our World AS Day Webinar, you can watch it here. The Webinar talks you through the campaign, the available assets, and how you can make the most of World AS Day.

One of the downloadable assets is a template calendar for social media. It includes the dates that ASIF will post/tweet content. We encourage you to follow the calendar; however, you are welcome to adapt it to your organisation’s existing social media calendar and post/tweet when it works best for you. ASIF will begin sharing content slowly from the end of March, launching the campaign fully in April. 

Following feedback from one of our members, the editable templates have also been made available in Canva for those not using Photoshop. The link to the templates can be found in the downloadable Tool Kit.

Visit the webpage to find out more about the campaign and download the Tool Kit and editable assets (asif.info/worldasday). 

Global Stretching Events

On World AS Day, we will host two online stretching events to enable as many people around the world to join as possible (the times and information on how to join the events will be confirmed soon). The sessions will be designed for everyone with axSpA, giving options for each stretch from very gentle for those with limited movement, to more of a challenge for those who are more flexible.  We are excited about bringing the global axSpA community together through movement.  

The events will be run by Jamie Boder, co-Founder of Yoga for AS. Jamie is a qualified yoga instructor and has axSpA himself, so understands the challenges posed by the disease, and the positive impact movement makes.

Jamie commented, “I am delighted to share these sessions with you; it will be an opportunity for you to find something that works for you. I understand the many ways AS / axSpA presents itself. These sessions are open to everyone. In my experience, after sharing these types of sessions to thousands of people with AS and axSpA, many people come out from the sessions with less pain, stiffness and fatigue. That is the magic of movement. My classes are very inclusive, fun and welcoming and I look forward to seeing you there!”

Global Summit

As the premier virtual health event for the spondyloarthritis community, the 5th Annual Global Spondyloarthritis Summit features renowned rheumatologists and other health experts who provide the most up-to-date findings and medically reliable and comprehensive information on essential topics that matter to those living with the disease.

Whether you are newly diagnosed or were diagnosed some time ago, the Summit is your opportunity to learn tips and tools for managing your symptoms while also connecting with others.

Under the theme “Moving Together Towards Better Health Outcomes” this year’s program features 12 experts from the international community who will discuss topics such as Flares and Possible Triggers; SpA Research Updates; Sleep Issues; Women & SpA; Diet & Nutrition; Surgery & Joint Replacement Recommendations; Cardiovascular Disease, and more!

ASIF will have a Booth at the Summit and will display information about our Members. Please send your organisation’s leaflet to Jo de Bry before 31 March at communicationsmanager@asif.info.

Please use the downloadable social media asset on our World AS Day webpage to promote the event to your members and encourage them to register.

Find out more about the Summit

Walk Your AS Off

To find out about Walk Your AS Off this year, please click here

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