Awareness and advocacy

ASIF has developed this definitive report on the global impact of axSpA diagnostic delay. Our aim is that it will support those working to reduce the delay and be a valuable resource in highlighting the need for change to policymakers and healthcare systems.
The report sets out for the first time a global perspective and the various factors that contribute to it. It also highlights opportunities for overcoming the delay, drawing on different examples of best practice from around the world. The report was informed by the latest available axSpA literature, as well as patient and expert insights from two international Global Forum events held by ASIF in Autumn 2020.
Raising awareness of axSpA and the diagnostic delay
ASIF has created a set of materials for use by us and our member organisations to advocate for change.

These infographics has been developed to show the key facts and impact associated with the diagnostic delay and can be used to raise awareness or as a starting point for advocacy conversations. If you would like this infographic translating, please contact Jo Lowe (
Click on the images to enlarge them below or use the download button