
Delay To Diagnosis Resources and Videos

Here you can find a range of videos that support our Delay to Diagnosis campaign, including our report launch webinar and additional publications about the diagnostic delay. To see our latest awareness materials, click here

Maranda tells us about the impact the eight year delay to diagnosis had on her life, and explains why she now feels motivated to help raise awareness of the need for earlier, accurate diagnosis of axSpA.

Watch Annie’s film to learn how a delay of many years deeply affected and impacted all aspects of her life. Annie shares her thoughts about how a quicker and accurate diagnosis leads to more life choices and an improved life.

Kel talks about the turmoil of living with axSpA for a decade without a diagnosis; and in particular the psychological burden of this delay.

Watch Dr Shashank Akerkar’s presentation at Delay to Diagnosis Report Launch Event on 7 July 2021. Dr Akerkar is a Consultant Rheumatologist at Mumbai Arthritis Clinic and Research Centre, and Founder of StandForAS Foundation in India,

Watch Dr Floris van Gaalen’s presentation at Delay to Diagnosis Report Launch Event on 7 July 2021.Dr van Gaalen is a Consultant Rheumatologist at Leiden University Medical Centre in The Netherlands.

Watch our Member's Webinar and learn more about the Delay to Diagnosis report and how ASIF Members can get involved using our Tool Kit.

Diagnostic Delay

Cheryl Koehn, President of Arthritis Consumer Experts in Canada talks to Michael Mallinson about his own experiences during his delay to diagnosis. Michael is a former ASIF Trustee and current volunteer.

Raj Mahapatra, ASIF Trustee talks to Professor Marco Garrido-Cumbrera, patient, researcher at University of Seville and founder of IMAS.

Michael Mallinson talks to Dr Walter Maksymowych, Professor, Rheumatologist and co-founder of the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada (SPARCC).

Further reading

  • Systematic review and meta analysis of diagnostic delay in axSpA by Sizheng Zhao et al

  • Eular2020 Identification of Parameters Associated with a Diagnostic Delay in Axial Spondyloarthritis

  • Delay to Diagnosis EULAR 2023 abstract: Diagnostic Delay in Patients included in the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthrtis: Associations with Geographic, Socio-demographic and Disease-related Factors

  • Diagnostic delay in axial spondyloarthritis: a systematic review

  • Diagnostic delay in axial spondyloarthritis - a past or current problem?

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