
Delay to Diagnosis: Raising Awareness of axSpA

The low awareness of axSpA is a challenge that significantly contributes to the delay in diagnosing the disease. It tends to be an under-recognised condition, both by the general public and healthcare professionals. In order to address this, we have created a series of materials to help people better understand the signs and symptoms of axSpA. Our members will use these videos, communication and infographic materials with different audiences to create better awareness of the disease and the impact of the delay. We have created three short films, which you can watch below.

This sketch animation raises awareness by highlighting the key signs and symptoms of axSpA, including some of the lesser-known ones. This film will be used to raise awareness with those who may be experiencing symptoms, as well as the broader public.
English (UK)
This film, aimed at healthcare professionals, is introduced by Dr Raj Sengupta, an axSpA-expert rheumatologist, based in the UK. Dr Sengupta outlines the way the disease presents clinically as well as the importance of achieving a timely diagnosis. He is supported by four patients illustrating his points by talking about their own symptoms and diagnosis. This film will be used to emphasise the key signs and symptoms that healthcare professionals (usually in primary care) should look out for.
English (UK)
In this film four people share their experiences of living with axSpA symptoms, how they responded to their diagnosis, the day-to-day burden and how they can live better with the disease.
English (UK)


These infographics has been developed to show the key facts and impact associated with the diagnostic delay and can be used to raise awareness or as a starting point for advocacy conversations. If you would like this infographic translating, please contact Jo Lowe (projectmanager@asif.info).

Click on the images to enlarge them below or use the download button


You can access the films, social media content and other useful tools in our toolkit. It contains:

  • three full length films
  • social media short film versions
  • suggested social media posts
  • social media visual content
  • communications and social media guide

Please contact Jo Lowe at projectmanager@asif.info to access the full toolkit in any of these languages: Bulgarian; English; French; German; Greek; Hebrew; Hindi; Norwegian; Spanish; Tagalog.

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