
Norway Bekhterev Norge Bekhterev Norge aksial spondyloartritt - Axial spondyloarthritis society in Norway

location Bekhterev Norge, Trondheim, Norway Phone (+47) 93 40 80 69

Member since 1989

Link for local groups

Bekhterev Norge is a voluntary, nonprofit organization consisting of several local associations around the country.
The associations offer guidance to anyone seeking advice for axSpA and arrange various social and health-promoting activities.
We work for the members’ interests, provide information and dissemination of knowledge and influence the health policy by improving rights and treatment options for patients.

Through the local associations you will be offered various group trainings, for example in hot water pools.
You can make use of favorable member benefits, attend themed meetings, get information about treatment trips and, not least, draw on the experiences of others.

You will learn to live well with the disease in a good and inclusive community.


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