Montenegro Udruzenje za pomoc oboljelima od reumatskih bolesti Crna Gora - Association for patients with rheumatic diseases Montenegro
Udruzenje za pomoc oboljelima od reumatskih bolesti Crna Gora
Jerevanska br 40
Podgorica Crna Gora
tel +382 20 673 942 +382 67 433 901
NVO RAM is Association that helps patients with rheumatic diseases in Montenegro.
NVO RAM was founded in January 2003 and registered with the competent Ministry (reg. no. 02-157/03) as non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan and independent, and its goal is to help people with rheumatic diseases on the principles of solidarity and humanity, the development of social care for the sick, their gathering and the development of community.
Since June 2007, the extension has been a member of EULAR – the European League for the Fight against Rheumatism. The members of this league are associations from 44 European countries that implement a joint strategy to fight against rheumatic diseases in Europe.
According to rheumatologists, there are about 1.5 percent of all rheumatic diseases in Montenegro.
It is known that rheumatic diseases lead to disability, and this is shown by the data on the number of people with disabilities among the members of the association.
The goals of the NVO RAM association are:
*helping patients with rheumatic diseases based on the principles of solidarity and humanity
*development of social care for the sick their gathering and development of community
*to influence the education of members, their families and interested parties for better information and improvement of the quality of life of persons suffering from rheumatic diseases and with rheumatic complaints
Member since 2023