Italy: ANMAR Associazione Nazionale Malati Reumatici ANMAR Onlus - Rheumatism Society in Italy
Associazione Nazionale Malati Reumatici ANMAR Onlus
Via R.R. Garibaldi 40, 10
00145 ROMA
Member since 2021
For 36 years ANMAR has been helping and giving a voice to Italian RMDs patients.
Since 1985, we are an “umbrella” organisation for 19 Independent Regional Non-Profit Associations with over 16,000 members spread across Italy.
Our mission is to protect RMDs patients’ civil rights, to inform and to educate patients helping them to reach their full potential.
We have key partnerships with Italian and European Scientific Societies of Rheumatologists (SIR, CReI, EULAR); EULAR PARE and EULAR YOUNG PARE Ministry of Health; AIFA (National Agency for Drugs); Active Citizens Network.
Italy has a National Public Health System, but each one of the 21 regions in which Italy is divided, has specific rules and laws. Therefore, there are differences between regions, particularly between northern and southern Italy. It is necessary to follow a common pathway when caring for a patient with RMDs, and ANMAR has become, for the first time in Italy, one of the main players. Our skilled and competent patient’s representatives play a strong role by producing documents that highlights the patients’ perspectives but also drive institutions to work with patient centred organisation.
We are active in safeguarding quality of life, we take care of people with RMDs, we train, inform, and educate people with and without RMDs, we promote research and organise meetings and conferences.
We publish and distribute free magazines and booklets on RMDs (Knowing RMDs, Knowing OA, Knowing Osteoporosis, About PsA, What is Scleroderma), handbooks about living with an RMD (Rights and duties of people with RMDs, DMARDs in RMDs, RMDs and Biologic drugs, Biologics and Biosimilars, Travelling with RMD, RMDs and food…) and we organise webinars, Facebook live meetings and publish You tube videos.
These are all big commitments for our Association, but they are focused to give a voice to all the Italian people with RMDs.