Brazil Instituto Gruparj Petrópolis - Group of Arthritic Patients from Rio de Janeiro in Petrópolis
Instituto Gruparj Petrópolis Rua Monsenhor Bacelar, 589 Centro Petrópolis RJ Brazil Phone: 55 24 2242-8616
Member since 2023
Gruparj Petrópolis Institute is a Group of Arthritic Patients from Rio de Janeiro located in Petrópolis-Brazil
Our mission is to educate and mobilize society on the importance of prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of rheumatic diseases, through health education, throughout Brazil
“Gruparj Petrópolis Institute completes 22 years of fulfilling its mission: to educate and mobilise society towards the importance of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and early rehabilitation of rheumatic diseases, through health education.”
The Arthritic Patients Group of Rio de Janeiro in Petrópolis – Instituto Gruparj Petrópolis was founded in 2001 with the support of the Rheumatology Society of Rio de Janeiro. In 1998 the society held the first Forum for Laymen on Rheumatism in Rio de Janeiro. At the time, rheumatologists observed the population’s lack of knowledge about rheumatic diseases. Since then, Gruparj has worked to meet the needs and interests of people with rheumatic diseases, especially Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis.
The purpose of the institution is to promote social assistance through information, education and support for people with rheumatic and related diseases; enable and rehabilitate people with functional limitations for the job market; promote patient integration into society; and offer multidisciplinary care to people with rheumatic diseases.
Achievements in Numbers
These numbers are not just statistics; they are tangible testimonies of our positive impact and ongoing commitment to a future with a higher quality of life for people with rheumatic diseases.
- 2,100 members: A solid community that continues to grow, strengthening connections and collaborations.
- 10 thousand services per year: Commitment to support, resources and opportunities for our community.
- 30 thousand people reached: Extending our influence beyond borders, serving not only members, but the community in general.
- 53 Health Education Courses on Rheumatic Diseases carried out: providing knowledge about treatment, specificities of rheumatic diseases and quality of life for people with rheumatic pathologies across the country.
Comprehensive and Interdisciplinary Service
What makes Instituto Gruparj Petrópolis truly special are its comprehensive activities and services, designed to optimise the physical, emotional and social rehabilitation of people with rheumatic diseases. Our main activities are: lectures, congresses, occupational rehabilitation workshops including through painting and crafts, medical and psychological care and rehabilitation. To achieve this, we count on the effective collaboration of doctors, physiotherapists, occupational and body therapists, psychologists, nutritionists, art therapists, who develop interdisciplinary work, taking into account programming that optimises the physical, emotional and social rehabilitation of people with rheumatic diseases.
Comprehensive and Innovative Support
- Multidisciplinary service
Instituto Gruparj offers medical, psychological, physiotherapeutic, nutritional care, among others, aiming to optimise the physical, emotional and social rehabilitation of patients.

Therapeutic Support
Weekly consultations with a rheumatologist and nutritionist.

Physiotherapy Support
Highlight is the stretching services, offering not only targeted exercises, but also a recreational moment for patients.
Psychological Support
A fundamental pillar, with group and individual services.
Rehabilitation through Art – Art and Life Project
The project uses art as a means of physical, emotional and social rehabilitation, with weekly workshops.
- Educational Events and Awareness Campaigns
The Institute promotes educational events such as lectures, congresses and occupational rehabilitation workshops through art, such as painting and crafts.
A highlight is the Social Medical Meeting on Rheumatic Diseases, bringing together approximately 450 participants annually. In addition, 53 Health Education courses have already been held in Brazil and Portugal.
- Awareness campaigns
The social responsibility of Instituto Gruparj Petrópolis is evident in its annual awareness campaigns, open to the community. Annually, the Institute promotes campaigns open to the community on Hepatitis, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Psoriatic Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis, among others.
- Financial Strategy
The institution remains resilient through financial strategies, mobilising resources and seeking support from foundations, companies, the public sector, individual donors, donation campaigns and events, as well as participation in public notices.
In its 22-year journey, the Gruparj Petrópolis Institute has fulfilled its mission, and exceeded expectations, becoming an institution that promotes hope and support for those facing rheumatic diseases. Its trajectory is an inspiration to everyone, highlighting that, with commitment and innovation, we can truly transform lives and communities.
Written by Wanda Heloisa Ferreira