
What is Walk Your AS Off?

Walk Your AS Off is a virtual walk event to get moving and raise awareness for axial spondyloarthritis. We “Walk our A.S. Off!” in order to stay active to keep our joints working as well as possible. Most people with Spondylitis benefit from regular exercise. Unfortunately, many of us don’t do too much. Walking is a fantastic form of low impact exercise – so let’s get moving!

Why do we Walk?
Axial Spondyloarthrits (AxSpA) is a chronic lifelong disease that causes extreme back pain, fatigue and inflammation throughout the body including potential organ involvement. On average, it takes about 10 years to obtain a diagnosis which often happens after the individual has some apparent spinal fusion or disability. There are approximately 33 million people diagnosed worldwide and we walk to raise awareness, to encourage daily movement and we walk on behalf of those who cannot.

Who can participate?
Anyone! You don’t have to be an athlete or have axial spondyloarthritis. Our mission is to raise awareness and get people moving at ALL levels, whether that’s a few steps per day or gentle chair exercises, or running ultra marathons (there’s one or two who do!) People from all walks of life, countries around the world, and of all ages have participated in Walk Your AS Off, and we welcome everyone.

Why have teams?
Teams create a support system for members to encourage each other, and team captains function as leaders who can help answer questions and encourage accountability for logging steps. Think of your team as your virtual community, although some teams may actually be regional and able to meet up in person. If you’re regional, consider organizing group walks or events for members.

How do I sign up?
All step logging for Walk Your AS Off is done on our main parent charity website – walkasone.org.

How can I make a team?
You will have the ability to form your own team when you have signed up. There are no limits on team size. Since we’ll be tracking our steps from May 1st until May 31st, please try to get your team ready to log steps starting on launch day.

When do I log steps?
You log your daily steps from May 1st to May 31st. You can input your steps to the website anytime (daily, weekly, or at the end of the month.) All exercises can be converted to steps. Whether that is at the Gym, Yoga, or gardening and housework. It can be all converted with our step conversion chart.

How can I find out more information?
You can follow announcements on our Facebook page, and via our newsletter. There are also a few resources below, which may help with questions you have. If you have any further questions, you can email us on info@walkasone.org.

Frequently asked questions – http://walkyourasoff.com/about/walk-faq/
How to register and participate in Walk Your AS Off (Video Tutorial) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WenTGwLWzkc&t=3s

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