
World AS Day 2025

World AS Day Save the Date - 3 May 2025

World AS Day takes place on Saturday 3 May 2025.

This year the theme is ‘Lace up for axSpA’. The campaign highlights the everyday challenges of living with axSpA. Tying shoelaces is just one example of an ‘everyday challenge’ – the materials feature other tasks including drinking from a water bottle, checking traffic before crossing the road, reaching for something from a high shelf and bending to pick up something from the floor.

Working together, ASIF, our members, industry supporters and other key stakeholders, along with individuals who are affected by axSpA can raise awareness of axSpA with a global audience.

The World AS Day webpage is live and the campaign has begun with save the date messages being shared on social media. Over the coming months we hope to see many of our assets being shared across different challenges by you – our colleagues around the world.

The campaign assets have been designed to be used as is – or as templates. It is important that the campaign works for you and your organisation – so please translate and personalise the content. The most important thing is that you use it!   If you aren’t able to post directly – please share our posts.



The downloadable Toolkit provides information about the campaign and how you can best use it. A social media content calendar provides template copy for use on social media as well as the date on which ASIF will be posting key content (this is in the social media downloadable assets folder).


Editable social media assets have been created in Canva to enable them to be translated and adapted for use by our colleagues around the world. In addition to social media assets, there are website banners and email footers, both static and animated versions of the World AS Day logo. Non-editable assets are also available to download and are ready to be used.


A new short video and social media teasers have been created, featuring people living with axSpA completing everyday tasks. The videos tell a story of how these tasks can be challenging for people living with axSpA. If you would like the videos translated into your local language, please contact Jo de Bry.   We recently held webinars introducing the campaign and sharing how to make the most of the materials. If you missed it, you can watch it by clicking on the link below.

We invite you to ‘Lace up for axSpA’! Please share the corresponding social media posts and encourage your local community to get involved and raise awareness through their own social media channels.

Simply, take a photo or video of you tying your shoelaces – get some orange laces if you can – or you can use your regular laces. Post your photo or video on social media using #WorldASDay2025, #LaceUpForAxSpA and #EverydayChallanges.

Add something about your personal experience with axSpA – do you or a loved one have the condition?

You can add the following to your post:

World AS Day. Strength in Stories, Power in Connection (photo of shoes with orange laces)

I’m raising awareness about axial spondyloarthritis (#axSpA) by participating in #LaceUpForAxSpA on #WorldASDay2025.

You can add something about your story here.

Or use the following:

AxSpA is a chronic rheumatic disease that can cause severe pain and stiffness in the lower back, hips and buttocks and if left untreated can cause permanent damage to your spine. The pain often gets worse with rest and often appears before the age of 40.

Find out more at asif.info/worldasday


You can insert the URL to your organisation’s World AS Day webpage or an article on your website.


Use our hashtags to amplify your voice and be part of the conversation!

#WorldASDay2025, #LaceUpForAxSpA and #EverydayChallanges.


Promote your events on our webpage! Simply complete the form on the page and we will promote the event on our site and on social media.


The Chronic Pain Club Talk Show

Tune into Joel Nelson’s Talk Show on Sunday 4 May at 19:00 BST. Joel will chat to ASIF Trustee and psychologist Nadia Malliou about all things World AS Day and her experience of life with axSpA.



Alfasigma’s World AS Day Webinar

Alfasigma will raise awareness with their staff about axSpA during a webinar. Jo Davies, Jo Lowe and Jo de Bry will speak about ASIF, World AS Day, IMAS and living with axSpA.

We would be delighted to assist industry, our members and other stakeholders in raising awareness. Please contact Jo de Bry to find out how we can help.   

Global Spondyloarthritis Summit poster


Global Spondyloarthritis Summit

Registration is now open!  Join us on May 2-3, 2025, for the Spondylitis Association of America’s 7th Annual Global Spondyloarthritis Summit—a free, virtual event bringing together top experts to explore the latest in SpA care.

This year’s theme: “Comorbidities: A Whole-Body Approach to SpA”. Explore how SpA connects to cardiovascular disease, IBD, osteoporosis, mental health, pain and fatigue, uveitis, and more.

Event Details:

Dates: May 2-3, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM PDT
Location: Online – Join from anywhere in the world!
Cost: FREE


For the first time the Summit will include a Virtual Poster Hall. ASIF members are invited to submit a poster and presentation about their work. Contact Jo de Bry at ASIF if you have any questions or to find out more.  

Walk Your AS Off poster & SAA logo

Walk Your AS Off

Walk Your AS Off has taken on the World AS Day theme! The SAA has produced durable, vibrant orange laces with SAA branding that will be eye catching on your sneakers. The SAA encourage you to wear your orange shoelaces while you count steps for Walk Your AS Off for greater visibility and conversation!


Walk Your AS Off is an international virtual walking event! You can walk anywhere at any time, log your steps and be part of this exciting initiative to get people moving whilst raising awareness about axSpA.


*North American shipping only.  For international orders, please contact Sean Ewert at sean.ewert@spondylitis.org.

World AS Day Social Media Grants

ASIF awarded full World AS Day Social Media Grants to Axial Spondyloarthritis Association of South Africa, Bekhterev Norge (Norway), Coordinadora Española de Asociaciones de Espondiloartritis (CEADE) (Spain), Panamanian Arthritis Foundation of Panama (FUNARP), Hellenic League Against Rheumatism (ENEANA) (Greece).

We also granted matched grants to Canadian Spondyloarthritis Association (CSA) and Instituto Gruparj Petrópolis (Brazil).

We are excited to see how the grants help each organisation raise awareness during the World AS Day campaign.



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