IMAS Wins EFPIA’s Connecting Healthcare Award!

IMAS Wins EFPIA’s Connecting Healthcare Award!
EFPIA’s independent jury chose IMAS as the overall winner from 60 projects
“Alongside our partners, Novartis and the University of Seville, I am proud to accept the 2021 Connecting Healthcare Awards – thank you EFPIA. I am delighted that IMAS has been recognised for the significant impact it will have on the lives of axSpA patients. Thank you to all the IMAS partners and the patients who have participated.” – Zhivko Yankov, President of ASIF
The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Federations’ (EFPIA) independent jury chose IMAS as the overall winner from 60 projects.
By working closely with Patient Organisations, clinicians and researchers, we have gained evidence about how people with axSpA experience their disease, physically, psychologically and socially.

Jo Lowe, ASIF’s Project Manager, and our colleagues from Novartis and the University of Seville talk about how they worked together on this important project.
Thank you to the thousands of patients around the world who have participated in the IMAS project and have helped us uncover the issues that are most important to them.
Here below the first IMAS Video capturing the experiences of real patients and how axSpA impacts their emotional wellbeing and mental health.
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