Italy APMARR Associazione Nazionale Persone con Malattie Reumatologiche e Rare - APS - Italian National Association of People with Rheumatological and Rare diseases
Via Miglietta, 5 c/o Asl Lecce (Ex Opis) – 73100 Lecce (LE)
Tel/Fax 0832 520165
Member since 2022
APMARR, Italian National Association of People with Rheumatological and Rare Diseases, is a Social Promotion Association founded in 1984 to protect the right to care of people (adults and children) suffering from rheumatological and rare diseases.
Its mission is: “to improve the quality of assistance to improve the quality of life”.
Rheumatological diseases are still “unknown” today and above all “not recognized” at a social level. The primary objective of APMARR is to ensure that these pathologies find the just dignity and bring attention to public opinion and the policymakers.
APMARR operates on multiple fronts promoting:
– awareness campaign,
– psychological support
– health care assistance
– social and human right,
– rheumatology research,
– early diagnosis and early access to treatment
A competent and organized volunteering activity can give answers to needs of people who are feeling alone with their pathology.
APMARR trains its volunteers so that they can develop non-specialist “transversal” skills, with particular attention to interpersonal relationships, communication, empathic listening, as well as the ability to enhance the experiences and skills of others.
APMARR, through advocacy actions, encourages initiatives aimed at promoting socio-health policies in Italy, which facilitate the achievement of an early diagnosis, which allows access to equal treatment without disparity.