ASAS 2023 – Annual Meeting Report

At the end of 2022, ASAS (Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society) and ASIF signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to put our relationship on a more formal footing.
This MOU means that both organisations will aim to keep each other informed of key plans agree to identify opportunities for collaboration and will contribute expertise and experience towards mutually agreed objectives.
The Trustees of ASIF were delighted to be invited to send two representatives to attend the ASAS 2023 Annual Meeting which took place in Athens in January. Andri Phoka, Secretary, ASIF and Jo Davies, Assistant Director, ASIF joined the meeting.
We are especially thankful to Xenofon Baraliakos, President of ASAS and to the rest of the Executive Committee for making us so welcome. During the meeting, ASAS educational activities and research projects were presented and discussed. This report covers just a few highlights from the ASAS 2023 Annual Meeting.
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