About ASIF
ASIF is an international membership organisation representing 56 patient organisations from 45 countries around the globe that support people living with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA).
ASIF is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales.
ASIF’s Vision
A world where everyone affected by axSpA (and related conditions) lives their best life
ASIF’s Mission
To advocate globally to improve the lives of people affected by axial Spondyloarthritis and related conditions. To grow, strengthen and empower our community, and to raise awareness around the world
Our Aim
Everything we do supports our ultimate aim of improving the lives of people living with axSpA
- Raise awareness of axSpA and its impact
- Support our members’ work with campaigns, materials and disseminating information
- Facilitate the exchange of information and experiences within the global axSpA community
- Support the development of existing patient organisations and the establishment of new associations
- Contribute to research

Who we are
Chair ZHIVKO YANKOV Bulgaria
Zhivko Yankov was elected as president for ASIF at the 2016 Council Meeting in Moscow, after spending two years as a trustee. He has been Chairman of the Bulgarian Ankylosing Spondylitis Association since 2009. He was the representative for Bulgaria in PARE, founding member of Bulgarian organisation for patients of rheumatic diseases and AGORA – the international body representing rheumatic organisations in southern Europe. Zhivko has a master’s degree in engineering and computer CAD/CAM design, as well as a master’s degree in psychology. In his spare time Zhivko likes travelling and hiking. His dream is for scientists to find a cure for axial spondyloarthritis. He is a strong believer that communication is the best cure for everything and everyone.
Vice Chair LILLANN WERMSKOG NorwayVice Chair
Lillann was born and raised in Oslo Norway. She earnt several degrees in art history, cultural history and history of ideas from the University of Oslo, and completed research in political science, society, art and architecture.
Since 2016, Lillann has been involved in Spafo Norge Norway’s projects, interest policy work (working for the members’ best interests with government and policy makers) and daily activities. She has a passion for interest policy work because of the difference it makes to people. Lillann has worked closely with the ASIF team on the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS) project, which she enjoys as she cares deeply about science, knowledge-based dissemination and working internationally. Lillann has written many articles for Spafo Norge’s member magazine and for rheumatic conferences including EULAR and ACR.Secretary ANDRI PHOKA CyprusSecretary
“In 2016 I received a letter from ASIF as patient member representative, this letter asked for people to nominate themselves for a trustee position. I, as a person with Ankylosing Spondylitis and a board member of the Cyprus League Against Rheumatism, saw this as an opportunity to work towards a better future for people with axSpA around the world. When I became an ASIF trustee, I met passionate trustees who wanted to raise awareness globally for axSpA, visionaries for a global organisation who can help big and small organisations to improve the situation in their countries, and even help countries without a patient organisation to start one. Having served ASIF for 5 years now, I believe it was one of the wisest decisions I made to become a trustee. I have learnt a lot about axSpA, I empower my knowledge and I share it in my national organisation, I share my opinions, my ideas, and my knowledge with others. I see ASIF becoming a bigger and stronger global organisation day by day and I am part of it. In addition, I have learnt about people around the world: scientists, rheumatologists, advocates, patients, people from the industry. I have participated in lots of conferences and I feel like I gain much more than I give. I would truly recommend becoming a Trustee of ASIF.” – Andri Phoka, Cyprus
Trustee PRACHEE BHOSLE India / UKTrustee
India / UK
Prachee is the President of the Ankylosing Spondylitis Welfare Society (ASWS), a patient-led charity in India dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for axSpA patients and caregivers.
Prachee holds a Master’s degree in Social Psychology and a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology. While raising her children and taking care of several pets, she remained committed to social work and advocacy. Prachee has represented ASWS at international platforms such as the GAfPA Roundtable in Brussels, the EULAR Conference in Vienna, the ASIF meeting in Bogota, and the PARE Conference in Brussels. She was also a member of the Novartis Health Advocacy Council.
Prachee continues to balance her family life and advocacy work, striving to create positive change for the axSpA community.
Trustee JULIETH BUITRAGO ColombiaTrustee
Julieth was born in Colombia and raised in Bogotá. She earned her degree as a lawyer and business administrator. She specialised in labor law, social security and business management and has an MBA in Business and Administration.
She was diagnosed with axSpA in 2010 and since then has worked to lead and support the axSpA community and those with other conditions.
In 2014, Julieth became a founding member of the Ankylosing Spondylitis Foundation in Colombia, an organisation created to spread knowledge of the disease through a network of multipliers, to advance early detection and support patients by improving their quality of life.
Trustee DR. TUNCAY DURUÖZ TurkeyTrustee NADIA MALLIOU GreeceTrustee
Nadia is a licensed cognitive and experimental psychologist experienced in various professional settings both in mental health services, primary care services and administration. She’s an axSpA patient herself and focuses on RMDs and chronic pain working as a volunteer with EULAR PARE, the Pain Alliance Europe-PAE, the European Pain Federation EFIC, ASIF, the Hellenic League Against Rheumatism ELEANA and the Federation for Rare Diseases.
Nadia recently started her PhD. Meanwhile, she’s a volunteer supporting patients in the Pain Unit of Thessaloniki General Hospital AHEPA. She has participated in several research projects either as a researcher or a patient research partner and has been an invited speaker in numerous conferences. Working with HCPs but most importantly with other patients has been a meaningful experience that contributed to her empowerment and self-improvement as a patient and a professional. Nadia’s inspirational quote is: everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
Trustee CASSIE SHAFER United States of AmericaTrustee
United States of America
Cassie joined Spondylitis Association of America (SAA) as the new CEO in 2017 and became an ASIF Board of Trustee in 2018. She brings more than 35+ years of nonprofit healthcare executive management to her role having prior senior management experience with US nonprofits that include the American Heart Association, American Lung Association, National Kidney Foundation and American Diabetes Foundation. She has a background in Psychology from Sonoma State University. Cassie enjoys learning something new about Spondyloarthritis and it’s impact on patients everyday from members of the spondy community served by SAA. Expanding partnership opportunities with ASIF on various programs and projects allows more awareness and exposure internationally for both organizations, reaching those diagnosed with Spondyloarthritis. One key area Cassie wants to focus on for SAA is more disease awareness to those suffering from undiagnosed chronic back and neck pain and helping patients recognize the need to see a rheumatologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. The opportunity to meet such passionate patients internationally has been a very positive experience since joining ASIF as a member organization and the Board of Trustees.
Assistant Director JO DAVIES United KingdomAssistant Director
United Kingdom
In 2017 Jo was appointed as Executive to the Board, ASIF’s first employee. Jo has a background in grant-management and charity governance. It is such an exciting time to work for ASIF as it grows its global community and is working on some exciting major international projects. “It is an honour to work in a job where you get to meet so many amazing people all around the world who are doing their best to make life better for people with axSpA”. Jo was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis more than 30 years ago after suffering a number of years of pain without diagnosis. She now lives well with the disease and is an active member of NASS in the UK where she is Chair of NASS Euston a local group of patients in London, who exercise together regularly.
Project Manager JO LOWE PortugalProject Manager
Jo joined ASIF as Project Manager in September 2020. She manages ASIF’s key projects, including the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS); Delay to Diagnosis and a members’ resources project.
Jo was born in Manchester, UK – but now lives in Portugal. She has worked in a variety of healthcare research roles at The University of Manchester, including project managing clinical trials and studies involving healthcare workers in the NHS. Jo has worked extensively with patient groups and is passionate about ensuring the patient voice is always heard. She is eager to better understand the experiences of people living with axSpA globally and dedicated to help improve their quality of life.
Communications Manager JOANNE DE BRY United KingdomCommunications Manager
United Kingdom
Joanne joined ASIF in 2021 to develop and grow the organisation’s communications. Joanne has 25 years of marketing and communications experience in health-related charities. She has worked with national patient groups both directly and while working for international membership organisations, similar to ASIF. Joanne understands the importance of advocating for patients’ rights to medical care. She is passionate about using communications to improve the lives of patients and ensuring their voices are heard.
ASIF Council Meeting
Our members and key supporters are invited to our Council Meetings. The Council Meeting is an opportunity for our members to network, share ideas, build new relationships and create opportunities for collaboration, as well as hear about ASIF’s work, participate in workshops and watch presentations from experts in the field of axSpA.
Patient Organisations
ASIF supports our members with the development of resources and creation of programmes that can be localised and used in advocacy, education and awareness raising. We facilitate the sharing of information through our webinar series.
ASIF provides support to people wanting to start patient organisations and offers guidance and advice to fledgling groups. There are still many countries without patient organisations – and we are committed to assisting new organisations grow.
We have developed positive partnerships with pharmaceutical companies working in axSpA and facilitate connections between national affiliate offices and our member organisations.ASIF Constitution
ASIF is governed by its Constitution, which was adopted on 2 October 2023.
ASIF is a member of the People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe (PARE), a standing committee of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR).
Our Supporters
ASIF is grateful to our pharmaceutical industry partners for supporting our work.
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